Mar 13, 2012

8 Tips to Follow for iPad App Designers

Most of us didn’t understand the real use of iPad but still we bought it. The touch keyboard wasn’t as quick as our laptops, still we used it. And, before we even realized, the iPad had become an integral part of our lives. Now, no gadget is complete without the plethora of apps (good or bad) that come running alongside. iPad was no different. A market came into existence and everyone was looking for “iPad compatible” design. Guess what, the keyword iPad compatible is already being searched over 50,000 times on Google every month if Google’s Keyword Tool is to be believed. And then there are multiple related keywords. It simplyshows how important the iPad market has become for app designers.

8 Tips to Follow for iPad App Designers
(The usual) NOTE - This discussion will not teach you how to create a riveting iPad app. And, trust me when I say that “I am NOT covering the usual tips that have been covered a zillion times already on other blogs!”

How Many Instructions are too Many?

Personally, I hate apps that have a lot of instructions. What is the use of designing an app when you cannot keep it simple? If your app requires the end-user to read the thick user manual over and over to easily use the app then, my friends, you have just designed a flop app. Remember that you give out instructions for your app users so that they get the feel and move on to the real app. Your list of instructions should never be a turn-off for the app users.
So, avoid the usage of a “question mark” icon on every possible screen of your iPad app. Let the app be the instruction booklet in itself. Seriously, I hate apps with too many instructions!

Now, Don’t Confuse “Hints” with “Instructions”

You know what? Sometimes I feel bad when I get the feeling that my reader may have misunderstood me. Above, I asked you to avoid using too many instructions for people to be able to use your app. “Hints” are a different ball game altogether. Hints are a form of “positive poking” that helps the users move on when they are struggling. So, its good to give away hints to keep the app users interested.
WARNING - Never overdo your take-my-hint-and-move-on style in your app. The end-user might just lose the much wanted interest.

Layout Must Change Comfortably With Orientation

The image above says it all. In the case of orientation sensitive devices like iPad the layout of an app must not be broken with the change of orientation of the device. Though the broken layout might not hamper the productivity of the app, it is surely a turn-off for the end-user. Who would want to use an app that does not understand the orientation of iPad? It is like using an app which was never designed for iPad (or any other orientation sensitive gadget for that matter) in the first place. Consider checking out the Holy Grail of Mobile Layout?

Always Display the Username On Screen

This might sound weird, but with devices like iPad this is a must. iPad is the sort of gadget which will be used by multiple members of a family. I am not saying that iPad is a family gadget, but in many cases it might just be. One family member uses the iPad and then another picks it up. Who would want to use an app or an interface while someone else is logged into it? Worst case would be that you would never know if someone else is logged in until you figure out the data is not yours. Like the eBay app for iPad which won’t display the logged in user’s ID:

So, it is suggested that you clearly show the logged in user’s ID on every page of your app. It will help clear any sort of confusion and unwanted situations.

Never Overdo the Gestures

Users of iPad know that the device understands tapping and sliding. You don’t have to write it in bold and make it overly obvious. A slight mention of “Tap me for more” is all that is needed to keep the users looking for more. You don’t have to explain to the end user what tapping means, how it can be done and what are its advantages. Don’t make it look silly.

The White Space..Pleeeease!

Don’t tell me that this is one of the obvious tips that has been discussed already. I have to discuss this over and over til you guys understand the importance of it especially in the context of iPad like devices. See, devices like iPad can stretch your design or make it look cluttered. If you are creating an app especially for iPad then you can minimize the clutter, but what about the times when the app has to be updated every now and then?
Dynamically updated apps can sometimes break because of the different sizes of images that are pushed on daily basis. So, design your app in a fashion that there is lot of free space available. It helps the user’s mind to relax. Also, it automatically de-clutters the result.

iPad Hails Minimalism. So Should Your App!

Steve Job’s speech below has nothing much to do with the minimalist looks of iPad (and all other Apple devices) but somewhere or other they all connect. I’ll be shocked if you tell me that you haven’t seen this video before. Which bunker do you live in?
One quick glance to your iPad and you will know how simple it is. The device is packed with extremely amazing technology but it doesn’t show off. Now, will you consider designing an iPad app that pops out of your gadget especially when the gadget itself is placed comfortablly in your hands? Follow minimalism and see how your app merges itself with the amazing iPad interface.

Touch is Good but Don’t Over-Use it

Quickly, check the image below before I start explaining what I want:

The CNN app for iPad features a sleek-looking navigation bar at the very bottom. This bar makes it easy for readers to quickly go through various stories and read whichever stories interest them. See how CNN minimized the usage of browser buttons by pushing the important content on one screen itself. It is good that iPad features feather touch experience but sometimes too much slide and touch kills the experience too.
Make it comfortable for the end-user and see how they fall in love with your app.


Tips to design iPad apps are available everywhere. I’m not saying they’re not valuable or useful. but sometimes you have to think about the small things that can be the reason why people ditched your app. Design but don’t overdo it. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

40+ Highly Entertaining Website Headers for Your Inspiration

The header of a website is the most important and crucial element that needs to be visually appealing and engaging and at the same time very functional to assist the visitors in navigating the website. Since the header is the first thing your visitors notice, you have to be very careful in designing this crucial part of your web design. With an appealing and attention grabbing header design, you will surely increase chances of your website being explored more by your visitors.
Here is a small round-up of some exceptionally designed, and creative, headers for your inspiration. See for yourself how far header designs can go as far as the creativity is concerned. Do let us know your opinion about this compilation. Your comments are always more than welcome!

40+ Highly Entertaining Website Headers for Your Inspiration

1. The Pixel

Beautifully designed header that not only fulfills the function of a header in a web design, but also improves the overall look of the website.
The Pixel

2. Pralinenschachtel

Simple and uncluttered design focusing on simplicity, yet keeping it very creative and visually engaging.


Loads of colorful elements and illustrations make this header design a visual treat for the website visitors. The color theme is simply ravishing.

4. Juan Diego Velasco

Wow! Such an appealing and charming header I have ever seen. The credit goes to the designer who successfully delivered his creativity and imagination into a beautiful design.

5. Art 4 Web

Artistic is the word that describes this header design. With loads of vibrant colors, this header truly is the highlight of the website design.
Art 4 Web

6. Bern

Although quite simple yet extremely effective design that uses beautiful color combination and appealing effects to grab the visitors’ attention.

7. The Alamo Basement

Here the main header area is covered with an appealing illustration that captivates the onlookers right at first glance. Below that, you will find the navigation menu.
The Alamo Basement

8. Sob Controllers

This brilliant header design has been created by keeping a close and detailed look at the visitors’ perspectives and this is the reason they have come up with such a stunning header design.
Sob Controllers

9. Cult Foo

Creativity and innovation have been taken to the next level in this header design. You will simply be mesmerized with the beauty and attractiveness of its design. Quite a unique approach.
Cult Foo

10. Ready Photo Site

In this header design, you can see the use of quite bold and bright tone colors that effectively turn out well with their layout. The use of visual element is simply the highlight of this design.
Ready Photo Site

11. Bei Blog

This header makes you feel that you have entered the galaxy. The color theme is excellent and all the design elements complement each other.
Bei Blog

12. UGS Mag

Although unique and creative in its own way but quite clumsy and cluttered. May be the background image could have been little bit better.

13. Source Bits

The website loads a bit slow however the design of its header is simply outstanding. The header is different from the standard website headers.
Source Bits

14. Mark Forrester

With such a soft color tone and nice graphics, this header design sets itself apart from the other headers in this collection. The creative approach of the designer must be praised.
Mark Forrester

15. Marchand de Trucs

This uniquely designed header is different from the ordinary website headers. The navigation is placed at the side while the header area features only the most important links.
Marchand de Trucs

16. Barcamp Bordeaux

With bold typography and large images, this visually alluring header design attracts loads of visitors’ attention while providing an effective navigation plan.
Barcamp Bordeaux

17. Cup Cup

The header of this website goes well with the name of the website. Furthermore, the color selection is amazing.
Cup Cup

18. Broke Design

A simply innovative approach for a website header. You will see an extraordinary use of creativity in this header design.
Broke Design

19. The Farmer and the Chef

This is another brilliantly designed header that speaks volumes. You can notice excellent creativity and originality of the theme being incorporated well in the design.
The Farmer and the Chef

20. Barleys Green ville

This header design is a rather atypical design for a website header, however, this unusual design truly stands out mainly because of its subtle look and appeal.
Barleys Green ville

21. The happy time cafe

The appealing illustration and classy color palette are the key points in this header design that not only grab the attention but also make this header design a creative one.
The happy time cafe

22. Feed Stich

Another beautiful example of a subtle header design. The color selection is truly soothing and pleases human eyes.
Feed Stich

23. Bupla

This header design presents beautiful images to grab the attention of the onlookers as well as provide necessary information in its navigation plan to assist their visitors.

24. Pixel Resort

A colorful, lively and energetic header design is this. The use of color is excellent and will definitely bring a positive change in your mood.
Pixel Resort

25. Bad Health

The header features loads of faces demonstrating different people with bad health. This is such a nice approach to portray the main idea of the website.
Bad Health

26. Mike Dascola

Mike Dascola’s header is the perfect combination of creativity and functionality. This headers features an unusual color combination that makes this header design memorable.
Mike Dascola

27. Inspiredology

This is another competently designed header highlighting the importance of creativity and ingenuity.

28. Boompa

Simple and uncluttered design that focuses on the simplicity and minimalism. The color theme is also very refreshing.

29. Living Design

In this header design, you will notice the creative use of images along with right kind of typography that can simply make a design outstanding.
Living Design

30. Toasted Digital

Here is another excellent example of a unique header design. Although this header design is somewhat similar to the standard headers but still it has some appeal.
Toasted Gigital

31. Field Runners

Bold and beautiful illustration along with sufficient information in the navigation menu makes this header design a memorable one.
Field Runners

32. Erics Empire

In this header design, the designer has made use of some dark colors that successfully turns out well with the overall design.

33. Just dot

Just Dot makes use of a creative approach when designing their header as you can see the visually appealing mouse over effect and excellent typography have been incorporated well in the design.
Just dot

34. Cochemer Stadtsoldaten

This header design is somewhat similar with loads of other header designs that you see on the net however the use of images and font selection are something that must be praised.
Cochemer Stadtsoldaten

35. Florida Flourish

Florida Flourish’s header design can be described as being sophisticated and stylish while presenting all the basic functionality.
Florida Flourish

36. Giselejaquenod

This is not an ordinary header, and this is the reason why it has been listed in the showcase of creative header design.

37. Kulturbanause

Nature is the best source of inspiration and this is apparent from this header design. See how inspiring the nature is.

38. Digimurai

Simple but attractive header design that does not perplex its visitors with plenty of graphics and ambiguous navigation.

39. Jasonreed Webdesign

This visually alluring header design has been created by keeping the visitors’ perspectives in mind; therefore, the website users can relate themselves with the company.
Jasonreed Webdesign

40. Nomilk Today

In this header design, you can notice the use of big typography along with subtle use of color that blends well with the other design elements.
Nomilk Today

41. Web Burza

The color palette and high quality graphics are the highlights of this header design that are making it exceptionally alluring and fascinating.
Web Burza

42. Alexandregomes

With soothing colors and well placed design elements, this design makes its place in our showcase of creative headers.

43. Racket

Last but not the least, the creativity being presented in this header design is also above the par; and this is the reason why this design appeal loads of visitors.